Hwo to clean the refrigerator with vinegar and baking soda

How to clean refrigerator with vinegar and baking soda

Our experience has shown that there are three things that a housewife hates to clean in her home. In the first place are the windows, followed by the stove and of course in the third place is the refrigerator. Every housewife in every corner of the world avoids cleaning them in any way. For this reason, we decided to write an article about some effective tricks for cleaning the refrigerator without the use of detergents.

Because not cleaning your refrigerator in more than a month can lead to mold on your food, dark mildew stains, and rancid odors, which can be dangerous to your health.

So, how to clean the refrigerator?
We usually remember to clean the refrigerator when we already have a visible problem – an unpleasant odor, the appearance of mold or mildew. Mold and mildew are the final step in which you urgently need to clean your refrigerator or even in a very severe case, buying a new one. The smell appears when there is a forgotten food that has spoiled or a long period of time has passed since its last cleaning. Standing in front of the refrigerator we wonder where to start.

Here are some guidelines:
Take everything out of the fridge. Discard spoiled products in the bucket. Disassemble and remove all possible modular elements from the refrigerator, ie. shelves, glasses, drawers.
Make a solution of 50:50 vinegar or lemon juice and lukewarm water. Fill a nebulizer with one part of the solution. Soak the modular elements of the refrigerator in the basin or sink with the other part of the solution.
Spray the refrigerator with the vinegar solution and water both outside and inside. Let the vinegar work and make its magic. If you can’t stand the smell of vinegar, use alcohol or ammonia.
If you really have a bad odor in your refrigerator, there are several ways to get rid of it:

Burnt charcoal – knock the charcoal and put it in the fridge. After 7-8 hours there will be no memory of the bad smell;

Soda – solvent 2 tbsp. in 1 liter of water. Pour the solution into a bowl and place it in the refrigerator;

Rye bread – sounds strange, but rye bread absorbs odors. Place the whole slices, but in this case the appliance should work for about 10 hours.

Clove, orange, lemon, cinnamon – as long as you like these flavors, you can use them effectively against odors.
To continue cleaning, make a new solution of vinegar, soda and water with a ratio of 50:50 again. Put it back in the nebulizer. Take two towels or a towel and an absorbent sponge and start cleaning the refrigerator. You will see how instantly everything will be cleared. Regarding the cleaning of the refrigerator modules, do it under running water and use a sponge to clean the contaminated areas.

When you finish cleaning the refrigerator, don’t forget your biggest polishing helper, namely kitchen paper. It will add a touch of shine to an already cleaned refrigerator. The best moment, of course, is placing the products in the refrigerator and the pleasure of seeing it clean and tidy.

Just a reminder that when cleaning electrical appliances, first unplug them. Also, when storing food, pick it up or wrap it in bags so that the smell does not soak into the plastic of the refrigerator. Often neglected, but very important part of the domestic cleaning is to clean your refrigerator more regularly, because that’s where you keep the food you eat.

You don’t need the refrigerator to catch mold, mildew, or an unpleasant odor when you open the door to remember that it needs to be cleaned. Last but not least, throw away spoiled food, not put it from shelf to shelf in the secret hope that it will be thrown away on its own or disappear without a trace.

Domestic cleaning

Home cleaning tips you can use to be more effective

No one likes to clean, so every housewife dreams of a quick and magical way for her house to light up. One way is to leave this job to Cinderella cleaners. But if you have decided to do the cleaning by yourself, you’ve probably wondered more than once where to start cleaning – dust first or vacuum cleaner first, clean the kitchen before the bathroom or vice versa…

Here are some tips to help you clean up your home quickly and efficiently:

Minimalism in the home

The minimalist approach to furniture follows the principle of “less but better” in every respect – from the furniture to the last detail. Remove everything secondary and leave only the things you use every day. If you are a fan of decoration, then make it as clean as possible, but spectacular. For example, if your furniture is one-colour and without unnecessary ornaments, then the decoration may consist of colourful details that stand out and attract the eye.

Minimalism not only facilitates maintenance and cleaning, but also creates the impression of comfort, tranquillity and harmony. In contrast, a crowded interior carries a sense of heaviness, of multiple tasks to be completed, distracting and can increase stress.

Lift all objects off the ground

Before you start cleaning, go through all the rooms and collect the objects that are left on the ground – socks, clothes, magazines,toys. This will save you time wondering where to put them when you have already started with the vacuum cleaner.

Clean the whole house at once, not just one room

Organization is a key. Cleaning is much more effective if you choose a task (vacuum cleaning, washing, dusting) and perform it in every room in the house. If you clean each room individually from end to end, you will feel like in an endless cycle of cleaning, starting the same task over and over again.

Keep all your cleaning tools at hand

Put all the tools you will need for cleaning in one convenient place. In this way you will not waste time looking for them once you have started cleaning.

From dry to wet

Start with dry cleaning (vacuum cleaner and dust), then switch to wet – this will prevent the spread of dust and dirt.

Vacuum cleaning and dusting

Before turning on the vacuum cleaner and starting to wipe the dust, make sure that the air conditioner or fan is turned off. Change the sheets in the bedrooms before vacuuming. Pay attention to upholstered furniture, shelves, railings, photo frames, the TV. For hard-to-reach places, such as blinds and high shelves, use a handle with a towel tied to it.

Pay attention to carpets

Hairy surfaces collect the most dust. Therefore, pay special attention to carpets and rugs when vacuuming.

Wipe the mirrors and windows

Use a damp microfibre cloth first, then a dry one to clean mirrors and glass surfaces. Read our tips on how to clean windows easily.

Disinfect counter tops and surfaces

Go through the whole house and wipe the hard surfaces – shelves, appliances, cabinets, door handles, lamp switches, remotes. It is good to disinfect those surfaces that are most frequently touched and can contaminate hands and face with germs. Make a home-made disinfectant solution by mixing a quarter cup of apple cider vinegar with a glass of water.

Clean the bathtub, sinks and toilets

Spray all sinks – in the kitchen and in the bathroom, then the bathtub and toilet. Leave it for a few minutes so that it dissolves dirt and stains. Start cleaning from the kitchen. Don’t forget to wipe the inside of the microwave. Be sure to clean the area where you dispose of garbage. Clean the bathroom and flush the toilet.

Wash the floors

Clean the kitchen and bathroom floors. Start at the farthest corner of the room and move back to the door. Rinse the mop every time you wash approximately 4 square meters.

Musical accompaniment

Music creates a rhythm that allows you to act faster. A well-chosen musical accompaniment should include fast, energetic songs that lift your spirits and make you feel good. In this way you will move faster and at the same time you will increase your motivation.

Remember to clean the cleaning tools

An often overlooked part of home cleaning is maintaining the cleaning tools themselves. Using a dirty mop or a vacuum cleaner with a full bag is much less efficient and can end up costing you twice as much.

Do the cleaning a group activity

Involve the whole family in home cleaning to add a little fun and to speed up the process. Plan ahead with your family and give homework to everyone.

And last, but not least…

Clean on time

If the stove gets dirty while cooking, or the children spill juice on the kitchen counter, clean immediately. Cleaning on time will help you save effort and time in the long run.

Happy cleaning!

Bathroom cleaning London

How to clean the bathroom to shine – ingenious tricks

Admit it with all your heart: cleaning the bathroom is the most unpleasant job of the housework. A real punishment. But here are a few ingenious tricks that will help you clean it up to shine quickly and most of all economically.

Clean the dirtiest things in the bathroom

The old bathroom curtain will look like new if you wash the yellowed and dirty areas with a solution of oxygen water and plain water in equal parts.

To remove bacteria from the toothbrush, keep it in a glass of vinegar for about an hour, then rinse thoroughly.

The bath sponges should also be soaked for an hour in a solution of equal parts water and vinegar, and then rinsed well.

Shine the bathroom

Oxygen water helps a lot against limescale, yellowish and gray spots in the bath. Spray, leave on for half an hour, then wash off with warm water.

You can clean the bathtub and the sink by sprinkling with soda and after a few minutes pour vinegar. Then lightly clean with a brush and finally rinse with warm water.

A solution of one packet of citric acid in a glass of water helps against yellowed surfaces. Apply the solution with a sponge on the spots and after 20 minutes wash with warm water.

Mix equal parts vinegar and salt and rub the older dirts. After that rinse thoroughly with warm water. The effect is glamorous.

Let’s deal with the dirty toilet

To polish the toilet, use mustard powder mixed with citric acid and cornstarch in equal parts.

Domestic cleaning can be done with home made products. You can prepare cleaning bombs to freshen up the toilet. 1-2 of them are enough to clean and refresh. You need: 1 cup soda, 1/4 cup citric acid, 1/2 tsp. vinegar, 1 tablespoon 6% solution of oxygen water, 15-20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Pour the soda into a bowl, add the citric acid. In the second bowl, pour the vinegar and stir in the peroxide and pour the liquid in drops to the dry mixture. Add the essential oil and form small balls with a spoon. Spread the bombs on kitchen paper and let them dry for 6 hours. Then close them in a glass jar.

Clean the joints between the tiles

Pass the edge of an ordinary paraffin candle through the joint. This will clean the dirt and prevent the formation of new ones.

Dip an old toothbrush in hot water and then in baking soda. Run it through the joints and they will shine.

Clean the tiles

Wash the tiles with a sponge dipped in a solution of 15 grams of citric acid in a glass of warm water. Then rinse.

If the tiles are very dirty, it will help to spray them with vinegar using a sprayer. After 10 minutes, wash with warm water and wipe with a microfiber cloth.

Take care of the washing machine

Pour 60 grams of citric acid into the powder compartment. Then run the washing machine at full speed at maximum temperature. This will clean the deposits and scale. Repeat every three months.

A quarter cup of baking soda is mixed with a quarter cup of water. Pour the mixture into the powder compartment. Pour two cups of vinegar into the drum of the washing machine. Let it spin. After completing the wash cycle, wipe the rubber seals, drum and door thoroughly with a clean cloth. Do it every three months.

How to clean windows easily

How to clean windows easily

Useful Tips and Tricks to help you with window clieaning.

Window Cleaning Equipment

A large bucket
Sponges or a scrubber
A squeegee
Window cleaning detergent

A Step-by-Step Guide To Window Cleaning

1. Line the floor in the room around the window with towels, so that you do not slip
2. First clean the inside of the window (the outside is likely to be dirtier).
3. Fill in the bucket with warm water and add window cleaning detergent according to the instructions on the label.
4. Dip your scrubber into the bucket and get it soapy and wet.
5. Thoroughly scrub the glass – move the sponge in a smooth vertical motion.
6. Press your squeegee in one of the upper corners of the window and pull it evenly and firmly across the glass horizontally, from side to side. Don’t forget to wipe the squeegee on a clean rag after each time you bring it across the glass in order to remove dirt and water.

Tip: Angle the squeegee slightly so that the water drips downward.

7. Wipe away all of the excess water and soap with a clean towel or cloth.
8. Repeat all steps on the other side of the window.

Tip: It is best not to clean your windows in direct sunlight, as the sun will dry the water quickly and may leave streaks behind.